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An Apple A Day Has Brain BenefitsSometimes, there’s nothing better than biting into a crisp, slightly tart, slightly sweet apple and having that dribble of apple juice run down your chin.  It makes my mouth water just describing it.

I like my apples and eat one almost every day. Recently, I posted on Facebook that I had just had the best apple that I thought I’d ever eaten and was amazed at how many comments the post attracted.  Apparently, people feel very strongly about their apple allegiances.  My personal preference is pink lady.

Not only are apples good, but they are good for you – even better than originally thought.  Research has shown that apples have many benefits for your whole body.  Thanks to two key components, pectin (a type of fiber) and polyphenols (powerful antioxidants), apples can lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol — the chemical process that turns it into artery-clogging plaque. Make sure you eat the peel because apple skin has two to six times the antioxidant compounds as the flesh. Consuming apples has been shown to decrease the risk of lung, breast, liver, colon, and other cancers, as well as heart disease and asthma.  Apples may be associated with a lower risk for diabetes.

Apples have also been linked to brain benefits.  In animal studies, eating apples has been shown to potentially decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and to decrease age related mental decline.  These benefits are thought to possibly be because they boost the production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells. The quercetin in apples has been shown to protect brain cells from free radical damage.

Studies have shown that eating white fleshed fruits and vegetables, such as apples and pears, could reduce stroke risk by as much as 52%.  A Dutch study published in “Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association,” determined that each 25 gram per day increase in white fruits and vegetable consumption was linked with a 9 percent lower stroke risk.  The average apple weighs 120 grams. Just an apple a day could reduce your risk of stroke to the degree in the study.

The Dutch study didn’t offer definitive evidence as to why fruits and vegetables with white flesh reduce the risk of stroke, but a few possible reasons were suggested. Apples and pears are full of fiber that is beneficial for cardiovascular health.  The anti-inflammatory qualities of the quercetin found in these fruits and vegetables could be a significant contributing factor because inflammation has been linked with hardening of the arteries.

An apple a day really can keep the doctor away and more!

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  1. Funny, yesterday I took the apples and made applesauce
    Not bad with a little honey & cinnamon

  2. Old wive’s are better than modern medicine. They help prevent illness instead of controlling it. Apples, pears, cinnamon, ginger, and the list goes on as to how to remain healthy. Keep on keeping on.


    • Debbie Hampton Reply

      Funny how a lot of the old wisdom is proving to be so true and so good for us. I have seen this with yoga, homeopathy, eating, herbal remedies, etc… Back to the basics, in most cases, is proving so smart!

  3. Debbie Hampton Reply

    Chet, good for you for eating your apples! Make sure to consume the apple peels sometimes as they are the most nutritious part!

  4. Judy M. Hampton Reply

    Debbie, one of your very strong likes as a little girl was fresh fruit. Seems that preference has stayed with you, to your benefit.

    Love ‘ya

    • Debbie Hampton Reply

      I have always love my fruits and veggies. This body innately knows what is good for it!

    • Debbie Hampton Reply

      So do not peel your apples! (I think that is where half of the flavor is, personally!)

  5. I I heard a good quote quite a while back. “7 apples on Sunday is not the same thing as an apple a day.” Applies to many things besides apples.

  6. Abhijeet Somavanshi Reply

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  7. A diagnosis of a brain tumor in June 2017, and subsequent radiation treatments that eliminated the tumor, but left behind a bit of troublesome scar tissue, has now been addressed with a simple daily apple, consisting an apple and pure apple juice. The results have been amazing. Seizures have stopped and cognizant is better then ever.

    • WOW! Ji, that is awesome! I guess a simple apple really is powerful! I wish you continued success with it! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

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