Chronic stress can have a significant impact on both your physical and mental health. While it’s not possible to eliminate stress entirely (and you don’t want to). It’s…
We all know what our brain is, right? It’s that three pounds of “convoluted mass of gray and white matter” in our heads “serving to control and coordinate…
The more I learn about our breath, the more confused I am as to why breathwork isn’t a more popular health tool. I read somewhere that it might…
Your mindset sets the foundation for the way you experience your life. The exact same events can happen to two different people, and each person’s brain will interpret…
We all know what our brain is, right? It’s the three pounds of “convoluted mass of gray and white matter” in your head that “controls and coordinates all…
Like a hamster frantically running round and round on its wheel, a mad fury of thoughts go whizzing through your head, demanding your attention, and leaving inner peace…